Posts under Meta


  1. Blog fixes for Google (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  2. More old blog entries again (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  3. More blog fixes? (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  4. PicoCSS? (Horsham, VIC, Australia)


  1. Nuking Twitter from orbit... (Horsham, VIC, Australia)


  1. Google Drive links: fixed (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  2. Font-awesome updates (Horsham, VIC, Australia)


  1. Happy New Year (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  2. Netlify, and git woes... (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  3. Trying New Things... including Netlify (Horsham, VIC, Australia)


  1. Happy New Year! (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  2. Google Cloud CDN - Attempt #1 (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  3. Hello Hugo! (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  4. CSP header woes: generating hashes for scripts (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  5. Hugo Minification (Horsham, VIC, Australia)


  1. Smoke Alarm Battery... again! (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  2. Website - moved... (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  3. Gotta Go Fast! (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  4. Website outage! (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  5. Broken Google Maps (Horsham, VIC, Australia)


  1. HTTPS (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  2. More site fixes (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  3. Blog Bootstrapping (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  4. EPN, again! (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  5. The Great CloudFlare Experiment (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  6. Cloudflare - Part 2 (Horsham, VIC, Australia)


  1. Signing my Git commits (Horsham, VIC, Australia)


  1. Trying out Pelican (Horsham, VIC)
  2. Almost Ready! (Horsham, VIC)
  3. Pelican Success (Horsham, VIC)
  4. Pelican + S3 + CloudFront (Horsham, VIC)
  5. Fixing (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  6. Redirects with Amazon S3 (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  7. New Pelican Theme (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  8. Pelican time zone issues: resolved! (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  9. Blog post maintenance and Photo hosting (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  10. More site fixes (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  11. Delayed upload (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  12. Good URLs never move... (Horsham, VIC, Australia)
  13. Python: webspyder part 2 (Horsham, VIC, Australia)


  1. Scavenged a few more posts... (Red Lion VIC 3371, Australia)
  2. Jekyll, where has it been all my life (Red Lion VIC 3371, Australia)
  3. I might migrate this blog after all (Red Lion, VIC)
  4. Importing Blogger to Jekyll, Part 2 (Red Lion VIC 3371, Australia)


  1. Added some more old journal entries (Red Lion VIC 3371, Australia)
  2. Back to one blog... (Red Lion VIC 3371, Australia)
  3. Well that didn't take long... (Red Lion VIC 3371, Australia)


  1. Everything always needs moar fwagglechop! (Montpelier, IN 47359, USA)
  2. Old Posts Resurrected (Montpelier, IN, USA)