Team Fortress 2 - Heavy update

I really can’t stress enough how good a game Team Fortress 2 is if you’re into fun, laid-back PC first person shooters. Where games such as Counter Strike are very much skill and experience dependent - newer players are often thrown in the deep end and spend much of their time in spectator mode between rounds - Team Fortress 2 lends itself very well to beginners.

It can’t be said in any uncertain terms: it’s entirely possible to suck balls at TF2 and still have an immense amount of fun with it. TF2 is a really simplified game, but there are so many nuances with the classes that you’re always uncovering new tricks. It’s like a comic FPS equivalent of chess, hours to learn, years to master.

We were playing it for a little bit last night, Valve just released the Heavy update which came with new maps and an entirely new game mode. That’s another thing I love about TF2, even after you bought it, Valve is still adding more crap to it. I’m actually surprised there was no free weekend to accompany this update.

But yeah, if you have Team Fortress 2, think about adding me to Steam friends. I don’t play that often, but when I do, the more the merrier.

Montpelier, IN 47359, USA



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Montpelier, IN 47359, USA

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